速報APP / 健康塑身 / Drop - water tracker reminder

Drop - water tracker reminder



檔案大小:27.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Drop - water tracker reminder(圖1)-速報App

Don't forget to drink water. This is a main rule to stay healthy and fit! And Drop is a great app for this!

Main features:

Drop - water tracker reminder(圖2)-速報App

∙ Daily recommendation calculator

∙ 20+ beverages are supported

Drop - water tracker reminder(圖3)-速報App

∙ Comprehensive daily analytics

∙ Flexible reminders to drink water

Drop - water tracker reminder(圖4)-速報App

∙ Favorite drinks, volumes and Today Widget

Drink water - be healthy!

Drop - water tracker reminder(圖5)-速報App

Notice: Drop is not a medical app. All recommendations that app gives are just recommendations and don't replace your doctor's consultation. Developer is not responsible for any potential damage for your health that could be made during application usage.
